Административное здание
ул. Индустриальная, 30 ст4
По этому адресу находится 9 organizations.
Motor spares for domestic manufactured cars, Motor spares for foreign cars, Car accessories
Business-training seminars, Commercial business courses, Recruitment and selection
security services
Cable, Wire, Office equipment, Office equipment supplies, Computers, computer accessories
House appliances servicing
Motor spares for domestic manufactured cars, Motor spares for foreign cars, Spare parts for trucks, Special vehicles spare parts, Car service center (ARS)
Climatic equipment, Refrigiration machinery
Energy audit, Construction works, installation of security and fire system, alarms and warning systems, Electrical installation work
559995313, 165431282, 180793400, 169560748, 898670026, 169559248, 180168845, 170586946, 167185025